The president on the United States Of America stood before the people on New year day and “revealed” that:
Here is a transcript of part of what Obama’s teleprompter says:
It’s now been more than a week since the attempted act of the terrorism aboard the flight into Detroit on Christmas day and we’re learning more about the suspect.
We know that he travelled to Yemen, a country grappling with crushing poverty and deadly insurgency. It appears that he joined an affiliate of al Qaeda, and that this group — al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — trained him, equipped him with those explosives and directed him to attack that plane heads for America.
[Highlightsare mine]
So we now know that it is Al-Qaida!
Phew, What a relief! I had been worried sick that the investigation that Obama had ordered would turn out that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had been trained, equipped and ordered to his “mission” by the Women Zionist Organisation (WIZO) and what he actually carried in his pants was a Hanukkah latkes (potato pancake) mix (OK, the poor soul misunderstood the bit about adding two well bitten eggs to the mix and thought he can use his own)
We can all relax now ,it is all Al-Qaida’s fault! (and George Bush, of course). In a separate interview to Fox News, John Brennan the president’s advisor on counter-terrorism also stressed the Al-Qaida aspect of the terror attack. What is wrong with those people? It sounds almost as if they are saying “it is OK, it is Al-Qaida”
Obama then went on to spread more smoke screen on the real issue by citing some of the BUSH ADMINISTRATION’S success as his own. He then goes on to describe how America would “strengthen (it’s) ties” with Yemen, which means one thing; open your cheque books America, you are about to resolve Yemen’s “crushing poverty”, an obvious attempt to excuse Muslim terror as a poverty “challenge”.
No Mr. President, this is not what we are asking! The problem is not Al-Qaida in Yemen or anywhere else, the problem Mr. President is how a Muslim with known links to terror could obtain a visa to enter the US? Why such person was allowed to board a plane bound for America? And most importantly, how he managed to smuggle explosive onboard?
To remind you, all eleven 9/11 terrorists, entered the USA on valid vistas, didn’t you learn anything?
These are the real questions! So please spare us your rhetorical smoke screen and answer the bloody question, sir!
Another red herring is the Administration attempt to shove some blame to Schiphol (Amsterdam) airport; sure there was a severe breach of security in Amsterdam BUT let me get you on a “secret”;
the security of an airlines is the SOLE responsibility of the airline in question, not the airport. Airport security, is just that, securing the airport parameters — anything beyond the (departure) gate is the responsibility of the airline and its national government of the airline.
Do you think, my friends, that Umar Farouk would have been able to board an El-Al plane in Amsterdam? Not in a million years! The reason is simple; the government of Israel mandates certain security measures that El-Al as a well as any other airline flying into Israel MUST follow, IRRESPECTIVE of local airport security.
Unlike the rest of the world, Israel been grappling with Muslim terror since the 1960’s with the inception of the Palestinian terror. In the past 45 years or so, Israel has got the war on terror, to such a fine art that, ironically, the vast majority of passengers going though Tel-Aviv airport would pass security in a fraction of the time it takes in most other airports in the world. Why? Because the Israeli security people know what they are looking for and don’t concern themselves with symbolism such as confiscating your nail clipper to show you that they are doing something.
Any plane, of any nationality, must accept (in full) the Israeli security measures as a condition of obtaining a landing permit in Israel, the measures themselves vary but a few things never do, one is the security is always controlled Israeli nationals and the second is PROFILING!!!
That’s right! American carriers who fly to Israel have accepted the Israeli security methods on all of their flight to Israel. Profiling is carried out right now, as we speak, in all major American airports!
No thanks to massive disinformation campaigns by the human right industry and the PC brigade, most people don’t understand the concept of profiling, as it relates to aviation security.
Profiling simply means putting more security resources at people who are perceived higher risk, not wasting them on symbolism.
I was profiled a couple of times (that I know of), once I was detained in Heathrow Airport before boarding a plane to Tel-Aviv, my Israeli passport, Israeli national ID card and my fluent Hebrew notwithstanding. I was taken to a side room, my luggage was pulled out, brought in and searched, I was thoroughly searched and interrogated (politely) before I was allowed to board the plane. The apparent reason that I had been selected was that I flew-in from Indonesia, a Muslim country that do not allow entry to holders of Israeli passports and they wanted to know EXACTLY why I went there and what I was doing there.
Was I offended? To the contrary, I was happy to cooperate, it made me feel ten time safer boarding that plane than had they confiscated my nails clipper and my $2 set of mini screwdrivers (the ones I fix my eye glasses with) that were in my briefcase.
Looking at it another way, if you belong to vast majority of passengers ,who are not profiled (or positively profiled as not pausing security risk, if you wish) you go through security in no time, which indeed is the experience of most passengers going through Tel-Aviv Airport.
As you see the problem is not that the CIA, FBI, DHS, TSA (have I miss anyone?) don’t know what to do, the problem is that they would not do for ideological reasons.
* * * * *
If you fly to the USA from Sydney Airport, there is check-in area specifically allocated for such flights of all airlines where security measures are different to the rest f the departing flights . This, we are told here, is to facilitate the security measurements required by US government and indeed it is their responsibility.
Yet this inept president of yours and his administration are telling you that America has no say what happens in Amsterdam airport. This is a lie! a lie intended to cover up their ineptness.
There has surely been a security breach in Amsterdam, but as I said earlier, the responsibility for the security all America airplanes lays purely with the American government. Remember, an American aircraft is an American territory.
The Dutch, the Brits, the French and indeed all countries where El-Al, and other Israeli carriers, operate to and from, America included, do not have any problem with the way the Israelis are conducting their security checks, profiling included.
There is little doubt that one of the main reasons for 911 was the fact that until 9/11, terror was treated as law enforcement issue which costed America dearly. George Bush recognised it and attempted to correct that but since Obama’s inauguration the clock has being turned back for no other reason but IDEOLOGY.
Obama and his politburo deemed the Bush anti-terror measures as not needed because there has not been a terror attack on America in recent years. The very same twisted logic can be applied to Polio vaccination, let stop vaccinating our kids because we have not had a Polio problem for some 50 years.
As I am writing this, the news that the US and Britain are closing their embassies in Yemen “because of threats by Al-Qaida”. We are not privy to the consideration that led to such drastic measures, but how do you think the terrorist interpret such decision? Yes, that’s right! They can push America (and Britain) along.
The decision as to which embassy will remain open is n longer the State Department or White Hall, it is now all up to Al-Qaida to decide, but that’s OK, as the president said, “we know it is Al-Qaida”
How long, do you think, before Al-Qaida would issue a threat against another American embassy somewhere? Hours? Days? surely not longer than that.
Mr President, you don’t need more investigations, you need cojones but I guess that in that respect you have something in common with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.